Holiday 2020

December 22 2020
Holiday 2020

21 December 2020. Today is the shortest and darkest day of the year and though it's not technically the end of 2020, it feels like a turning point, as from now on there will be more light. 

Although this has been a challenging year, we are finding there are still many things to be thankful for. For us, it all comes down to you, our customers. We are so thankful that you have chosen to support our business during this time. Your orders and emails have kept us busy and raised our spirits through all of the ups and downs of 2020. We can't thank you enough.

We hope you are all staying safe and sound and we wish you health and happiness as we enter 2021. And remember, going forward there will be a little more light in the world each day.

* Please note, we will be closed December 25-28th. Shipping will resume December 29th.